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Thinkpad using Windows 7
Windows 7 has been launched for a couple months a go, almost one years. For thinkpad user likes T30, T31, T40, T41, R32, and so on, can upgrade their operating system to this brand new operating system (acatually i still reccomended linux for thinkpad). Many people looking for this information. Well, first you need to check out your hardware, is that enough or not.
Windows seven minimum system requirement is 1 Giga herts or faster processor, 1 Gigabyte of RAM, 16 GB available disk space, and directx 9.0. Well i think thinkpad user from T42 can use this, but not recommended for the under of T42 like T30, R32, and especially for T21, haha :D.
Ok, next post we will talk about another side about windows 7 that running on thinkpad. hope usefull.
IBM or Lenovo Thinkpad Using Windows 7 Operating System
Microsoft now launch new operating system, which called Windows 7. Many thinkpad users wants to upgrade their operating system to this one. Well, is that your thinkpad capable to use windows 7 as operating system, what minimum system requirements for thinkpad to use windows 7. I will explorer all about it in this site. Hope usefull, feel free to read. Dedicated for the thinkpad users.
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